Socially Distancing & Jumping…

Hi everybody, welcome to my June blog! This month has been a fairly quiet month which has slipped away very quickly leading onto some exciting things happening in July (which I’m sure you will all read about next month). For us in England, lockdown restrictions have started to be lifted which has meant we were able to start getting out and about again! Firstly, my friend Fleur and her pony Cola and Sonny and I had a socially distanced, showjumping schooling meet-up at the yard I am livery on, it was very fun and both ponies behaved superbly! After our jumping session, it started thundering so Sonny went into his stable and was distracted from the thunder and lightning with his Likit Boredom Breaker which has cherry and banana flavour Likits in, thanks Likit!

Our first outing since lockdown was out to a local woods on a lovely hack with some friends from the yard! Breaks were very limited but we had a fantastic time and everyone enjoyed themselves.

Throughout June, we had some very hot days, but also some very soggy ones! The rain isn’t ideal after we have to put up with it all winter, but it has kept the ground lovely and soft which is perfect for training. As usual, we’ve continued to work hard on our flatwork. A new ménage has also started to be built at our yard which is very exciting, as it will be bigger so I will be able to do more things whilst training!

Towards to end of the month, I took Sonny to my work (I’m a part-time groom) for a pole work clinic which was really good! As always, I wore my Likit saddlecloth. It was really fun and afterwards we got to go around the XC track which we both thoroughly enjoyed!

This month I’ve also carried on with trick training. Thanks to Likit, Sonny has now learnt paw, he will do anything for a Likit Snak!
This month has been full of training and beginning to get back out and into the swing of things ready for July, which is a busy month for us with lots of fun things going on which I can’t wait to share!

See you next month,
Annabel and Sonny xxx