Livi’s August Blog

I spent the month of August getting out and about training and competing with both George and Cooper.

Our first outing of the month with George was to Chilham Horse Trials for the BE Novice. George tried very hard in the dressage for 35 and then did a fab double clear round two big tracks to qualify for the PC Open Championships later in the month! He definitely deserved his Likit treats that day! We also gave him the Salt Likit to replace the salt he lost from sweating.

After a couple of days rest we traveled to Hickstead for the NSEA 110 elite final in the International arena! George jumped a lovely round and it was an incredible experience to jump in the main arena! George enjoyed an apple Likit in his Likit holder as a reward for being such a good pony!

Next Cooper and I headed to Centaur Biomechanics with Russell Guire for some analysis on my position and the way Cooper moves in preparation for our future events. By the end of the lesson there was a visible improvement in our straightness and Cooper’s movement. We came away with lots to work on so hopefully we can continue to improve our performances!

before                                                                         after

Over the next week I took George to Boomerang for SJ and XC training where we had what was meant to be our last jump before the PC champs the following week which was unfortunately cancelled due to the weather! However, George felt on top form and was rewarded with his favourite Mint and Eucalyptus Likit Snaks for jumping so well!

With the weather finally drying up, we travelled to Tweseldown for some XC schooling with Cooper. I was so pleased with Cooper as he jumped round the BE courses easily and he felt very excited to be out XC again! I am so excited to get him out eventing again in September at Munstead!

At the end of the month I took them both for some British Showjumping! George went to Coombelands where he placed 2nd in the 110 and Cooper went to Parwood where he jumped 2 lovely clear rounds but unfortunately no placings as we were on a ticket!