When Annabel met Piggy…

Hi everyone, today I wanted to share with you all an experience I’ll never forget thanks to Likit!

One normal evening, after I’d been to school and then to the yard to ride and muck out Sonny, I checked my phone and received a message from Likit asking if I wished to be the brand representative for presenting the Likit Pony Club Eventing League prizes, which involved a day at Piggy French’s (Now Piggy March) yard!  Obviously when I received this message I was ecstatic as I’ve watched Piggy French on the TV and always admired her riding, and I got the chance to meet her as a part of my favourite brand. It couldn’t have got much better! I couldn’t wait for the day to come. For those interested, the Likit Pony Club Open Eventing League is a nationwide competition for Pony Club members and is at PC110 level.

Once we were at Piggy’s, we listened to her speak about her past which was so interesting and inspiring. We next got to watch her do a demo ride on two horses, one of these being Vanir Kamira, who Piggy won Badminton Horse Trials on in 2019.

We also watched her do some flatwork and jump one of her other horses, it was amazing to see how effortless Piggy made it look, which really inspired myself and I’m sure many others to one day be at a standard similar to Piggy’s.

After the demo was over, we got to have a yard tour and meet lots of the horses (my personal favourite being ‘Calling Card’ who was so sweet and friendly). It was amazing to listen to Piggy explaining everything and learn everything possible. Next, we went to do the presentation. The top ten from the league were invited to come and be awarded with prizes. I was lucky enough to stand with Piggy and present the awards (which included some very yummy Likit treats) to the winners. It was fantastic to congratulate these riders on their achievement, and as a thank you for taking part in the Likit league. I also gave Piggy some Likit toys and treats including the Likit Snaks and Snak a Ball.

After the presentation, I was lucky enough to have a quick interview with Piggy herself, which to this day I am still in awe about!

It was a day I will never forget. I want to say another huge thank you to Likit for enabling myself to have such an amazing opportunity. A huge well done to everyone who competed in the Pony Club Likit League.

See you next time, Annabel xx
P.s I’ve not spoke about Sonny this time, so for you Sonny lovers, he is still is usually cheeky self who is loving life 🙂