Gracie’s February Blog

Well it has certainly been a month of changes for us this February. After much soul searching we decided that I was not doing Carrot justice in his training and I was missing competing for my teams. Sadly the reality hit that I was suddenly too big to compete Dan for much longer and it wasn’t fair to ask Carrot to step up into Dan’s place so quickly. We were very lucky to find a lovely home for Carrot within a week of us writing his advert and he has gone down to the Newforest, which I’m sure he’ll love! I am very sad that we had to say good-bye to this sweet boy because he taught me so much and really does have an incredible amount of potential and if only we had the time we would have kept him in a heartbeat. Have fun in your new home Carrot!

You’ll be pleased to know that Mr Dan absolutely LOVES all the extra attention (and Likits!) he is getting. Half term arrived and only meant one thing – riding! We finally got Dan out to some cross country training with my PC where Dan jumped lots of tricky combinations in preparations for the season. It was great to see all my PC friends again after the long winter, which still doesn’t seem to be quite over after the Beast from the East struck England!

After having more snow than we’ve seen in a long time dumped over our land, our preparations were put on hold but it was a great chance to have some fun and teach Dan to become a sledge-pulling pony, which he JUST about tolerated with the promise of his favourite Likit Treat Bar after! He took great pleasure in testing my sticky bum skills when I rode him bareback and thoroughly enjoyed making snow angels with me! It was a great few days (especially since school was cancelled!), but in the end I’m glad it has all melted now so we can get on with our training for the Schools ODE at the end of March!

So with new opportunities on the horizon, our quest for a new member of the team has begun – hopefully by the time I write my next blog I will have some very exciting news to tell you all!

Until next month, Gracie and Dan x