Cora’s Summer Blog

How is it August already? I hope you’ve had better weather than we have- it’s been either hot and muggy or tipping it down for about a month and a half now! This hasn’t got in our way though and Zavon and I have started a new discipline; horseback archery!!  Horseback archery is honestly so fun and totally different from anything we’ve ever done before. The technique is also very different compared to regular archery- shelves (where the arrow would rest before a shot) aren’t allowed, and of course you’re trying to nock and shoot the arrow as quicky and accurately as possible, unlike conventional archery where you can take your time a little more! Finding a dry enough field to set up a practice run is a little bit of a challenge at the moment seeing as the weather has been so contrary, but now we get to mid-July hopefully the fields will finally dry out. Zavon enjoys it as all he needs to do is go fast in a straight line, although a little too much I think as we tend to go very fast not giving me any time to set up my shot!

We also had a beautiful photo shoot with the bluebells in the spring, Zavon did decide to ‘change poses’ at a few occasions and go for an explore but thankfully he could be caught with the help of some likits in my pocket 🙂

My last blog talked a lot about enrichment, and the other thing that comes with it is confidence- I notice that my gecko has become a lot more settled recently and with her confidence in herself she is bolder to explore her environment and be ‘enriched’ by it. Zavon draws a lot of confidence from people and horses around them, which is great when I’m also anxious! It’s curious though, he seems much more confident while we’re doing archery- me being occupied with it seems to prevent my anxiety affecting him and as a result he’s much more self-assured.

Speaking of confidence, coming out of lockdown has left me with an awful confidence low, so we haven’t been out jumping much. We had a lesson today which will hopefully be the start of building up my confidence again. As a result, not much is on the cards for us at the moment, aside from the BHAA nationals at the end of august (hopefully!).

I hope you’re getting out and about having fun with your horses now we can, until next time…

Best wishes,
Cora, Zavon and Mary.