Annabel’s Lockdown Blog

Hi everyone, can you believe it’s almost the end of May already? In England, the sun has been out a lot which is lovely and makes a change from the rain! I’m sure you are all aware, the UK has been on lockdown for a while now. Firstly, I hope all of you are okay during this unusual and scary time. Sonny and I have been continuing to train hard however we were only doing flatwork and hacking to help protect the NHS as we didn’t want to put anymore pressure on it. Now this has been relaxed, we are beginning to pop over a few jumps again. (A HUGE thank you to all key and frontline workers).

We have enjoyed going on hacks and working on our flatwork. Sonny has proven himself to be a bit of a dressage diva, we’ve been working on movements such as counter canter, he surprises me every time by how quickly he can learn new things. I know Likit definitely has a massive part to play in this, as he knows he will be rewarded with a tasty Likit treat, such as a Likit Snaks or treat bar! During this time, Sonny has been busy with his Likit Granola! It’s kept him so occupied (like all Likit products), he’s had it since the 3rd March and it’s still going strong, even with Sonny playing with it every night! I’ve also used it to entertain him whilst bathing, clipping, standing outside his stable… you name it, I’ve probably used it to keep Sonny occupied! It is definitely a 10/10 from Sonny.

We’ve also been keeping busy and having fun by using tasty Likit treats to teach Sonny some new tricks! He has recently mastered ‘smile’ and ‘paw’ is coming along nicely!

This year should have been my GCSE year, however due to the Corona Virus they have been cancelled. This has meant I’ve been able to spend so much more time with Sonny and I’ve really appreciated it! Next year, I will be starting my A-Levels. My first GCSE should have actually been on the Tuesday 12th May, but I was playing ponies instead! Now they are cancelled, I have mainly been at the yard feeding Sonny lots of his favourite Likit treats! Last weekend, Sonny and I did a ‘Likit Championship’ and bought the competition to us since we cannot go out and compete. It was so much fun and we both really enjoyed it. Sonny definitely loved being surrounded by so many Likits! Make sure to check out Likit’s Instagram page (@likit) to watch the video!

It’s important to look on the bright side of things during this difficult time, hope you are all well.
Love Annabel and Sonny xxx