A wedding, a lockdown, what else…

Hi everybody! Long-time didn’t write anything! But yeah, looking back for all what happened from last time when I wrote a blog…woah, what a journey! So, let me know you what happened in my life 🙂

First of all I got married (sounds crazy I know ahaha), but after almost 5 years being together he proposed to me and of course I said yes, because I have no idea how he can deal with all this crazy horse life where he involved now, going to shows, helping me in his free time at the stable and also helping out in breaking youngsters and still loving me and supporting! We got married 3.3.2020 and to all who is wondering if something changed after marriage, here is my disclaimer – nothing changed! If your relationship is strong, build on base of trust, support and help, definitely nothing will change, so if someone of you afraid of the idea getting married, please don’t, there is nothing scary behind it 😊

And then Coronivirus arrived….ugh it was difficult, especially in Italy as we got heaviest impact from the first countries in Europe and immediately government locked all down, and saying all I also mean stables. Owners couldn’t visit their horses for months. Mentally and physically it was difficult for horses, owners and everybody around this industry. For me it was easier as it’s my job, so I was allowed to come to the stables, but not allowed to ride for months, to help prevent eventual injuries and visits to hospitals that already were overwhelmed with patients.

In that Time Likit products really helped my horses as there were entertained in their boxes, as I could spend 30 minutes for each and they stayed the rest 23,5 h in box….Horrible? Definitely….but now lockdown is over, we survived and stayed safe and sound. Suffered a bit less thanks to Boredom Breaker, Tongue Twister, Snak-a-Ball and many others toys!

Then in June Italy went to phase 3 of lockdown after almost 3 months, so finally we started coming back to kind of normal life as before, even if I think that world will never be the same as it was before Coronavirus.

1st of July arrived Davidoff after 6 months that he played in the field growing up and getting stronger. First 4 weeks we spend just lunging him and getting those muscles back, and now I’m riding him for 2 weeks and he feels amazing! Much stronger, sharper and as always very sweet.

I don’t really have a plan for competition this year, as I had a plan before Coronovirus about the season, but everything was cancelled, so now we just living the moment, preparing and looking forward to late autumn competitions!

So I think that’s all for now,

See you in next blog, love you all!
